The Dreams in Africa Foundation is financially dependent on donations. We keep our costs as little as possible. Our expenditures are only for the website domain and the bank costs. The rest is for the organisations in Ghana.
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You can help us by:
Becoming a friend:
As a friend you support the organisations Ghana with an amount of your choice.
Want to become a friend? Send an e-mail to
Single donation:
You can send single donations for a specific project or in general through this link or:
The Dreams in Africa Foundation
IBAN: BE96 9676 6803 3205

Family support-programma
You can choose to sponsor a child in a vulnerable family. This means donating €20,-a month for the schooling of the child. This will support their development and their future perspective. You can also sponsor togehter with your family, friends, friends and share the costs.
Our partner keeps narrow contact with the vulnerable families. They also have a foster home where children live who cannot live with their parents for various reasons such as child abuse, child labour or lost both parents. We believe poverty may never be a reason for a child to stay in a foster home. Your support will help the families to take better care of the child, send them to school and give them a better future perspective.
Side notes
1. When the amount of children needing support is more than the sponsoring ‘parents.’ It is possible your donation will be divided to guarantee equallity between children
2. When you are sponsoring a child above 12 years, the donation contains €40 euros. This is because the high school costs are much more than the primary school costs.
3. Background information about the child can be shared in confidence and in consultation with the child and the parents. Contact with the child can be made through correspondence.
4. Currently we are working towards a more sustainalble way of support. For example through microcredit. We aim for families to be albe to support their children themselves and get independent from us on the long term.
Mail of call us with your application or questions
Because of our ANBI-status all your donations are tax deductible